Our Core Team

We are caretakers who will cherish your story. We are here to help visualize your ethos, passion, and vision. You are our priority.

  • Tracy Ip


    She is a self-proclaimed enthusiast. She specializes in creating visual content that is a cross-fertilization of various philosophies and mediums. Her work in fragrance and visualizing the imperceptible have led her to collaborate with a range of domestic and international clients, from HBOMax to 1000Flowers, an independent perfumer based in Grasse, France.

  • Sung Ho Thomas Shin


    Originally from Honolulu, HI, he is best known for his credits in Amazon’s AAPI Celebration with Audrey Nuna, Maliibu Miitch, and Deb Never, SBS’s personal interview with Hyun-jin Ryu and Tommy Halide’s One Last Dance. He says “Nothing feels better than accurately putting what my clients are thinking on the screen. Once they see the final product, no matter how old they are, they become a kid again.”


Your brand is uniquely yours. Under your guidance, we support and elevate. We are the wind that bolsters the sails to bring you to your ideal destination.